Project 52 - Concepts

Project 52 - Concepts

With only 5 days left in the 365 project, I started to think about what would come next. I posted a question online to my friends and they gave me an idea: Do one project a week instead of a piece every day.

For a guy who tends to work fast, that's a big idea. I was pretty hesitant to it, but after spending the weekend to think about it I decided to give it a try.

This isn't going to be that much less stressful than this project; instead of trying to come up with something daily, it means focusing on one project along with everything else I'm doing. So if I'm stuck on a large project I can focus on that and work on something else as I please. If nothing is going on I can take on a big concept for the week.

I came up with these logos based on doing something different in the overall approach and style. This is a more clean and metro look than what I did before. I decided to focus on more of a "brand" look, and I wanted to experiment a bit more with how the projects would be laid out.